Vitamin injections


If you’ve been experiencing a lack of energy or decreased speed in your daily activities lately, it could be due to a slow metabolism. A sluggish metabolism can impede your weight loss progress by causing your body to store fat instead of burning it. Fortunately, a solution to this problem is readily available in the form of lipotropic shots. At Believe Aesthetics & Wellness, we offer lipotropic injections and can provide you with information on how frequently you should receive treatment, as well as tips for maximizing the benefits of the injections.

It’s important to note that B12 shots and lipotropic shots are not the same thing. Despite what some patients may believe, there are significant differences in how these injections affect your overall health.

Regular B12 Shots

You’re likely familiar with regular B12 shots – these are intramuscular injections typically administered to individuals with a B12 deficiency, which can significantly impact the size of red blood cells produced by the body. It’s not uncommon for those with B12 deficiency to be anemic as a result. However, in recent years, B12 injections have been given to individuals who do not have clinical deficiencies.

In general, B12 injections contain a concentrated serum of the vitamin, which works to enhance the energy and metabolism of those receiving the treatment. By providing the body with additional resources to produce more red blood cells, B12 injections can help carry greater amounts of oxygen throughout the body. This, in turn, can lead to increased energy levels and decreased feelings of fatigue for those who receive such treatments.

Lipotropic Shots

Lipotropic shots have gained a reputation for helping patients increase energy, boost metabolism, and burn fat at a faster rate than before. This recent treatment is formulated with a compound of ingredients, with vitamin B12 serving as the base. The other ingredients include amino acids that aid in fat-busting and metabolism-increasing, working together to eliminate unwanted fat and remove toxins that are clogging up your metabolic rate.

Two of the key amino acids found in lipotropic shots are methionine and choline. These amino acids are essential to fat mobilization, with methionine helping the body release fatty proteins and choline preventing cholesterol and fat build-up in the arteries. Together, these amino acids prevent the body from storing excess fat and help break down fat more quickly for removal.

When it comes to enhancing energy and metabolism, both B12 shots and lipotropic injections can be effective. However, lipotropic injections are generally considered the better option for weight loss. The amino acids in lipotropic shots work double-time to destroy and metabolize fat, making them more efficient than B12 shots.

Moreover, while both treatments contain vitamin B12 – a necessary vitamin that our bodies do not produce naturally – only lipotropic injections work with the liver to remove fat and toxins from the body. In this sense, lipotropic injections are a triple threat for enhancing overall health, as they boost metabolism and energy, destroy fat, and help the body filter toxins more quickly. Ultimately, lipotropic injections are better for total-body health.

Compared to OTC Supplements

When compared to regular B12 shots, lipotropic injections are the clear winner. However, when it comes to over-the-counter (OTC) supplements, it may not be as simple. While you can find vitamin B12 and a few lipotropic amino acids in the vitamin aisle of your local pharmacy, it’s uncertain whether those supplements will be as effective as lipotropic injections.

There are a few reasons why it might be a better idea to avoid OTC supplements. First, the FDA does not regulate supplements as strictly as other OTC medications, so you can’t be certain about what you’re buying. Second, some people have difficulty digesting and absorbing nutrients from supplements, which is why most people do better with sublingual B12 tablets instead of vitamins.

In addition, you may not get the right amount or combination of ingredients to mimic true lipotropic injections, making supplements less likely to be as effective in achieving your goals.

Regular Physical Activity

Physical activity is a traditional and effective method for boosting your metabolism and burning fat. By engaging in regular exercise, at least three times a week for 30 minutes or more, you can prompt your body’s internal processes to convert fat into energy. Although lipotropic injections can help you increase your metabolism more quickly, combining them with regular exercise can help maintain a steady and higher level of metabolism.

Balanced Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is another classic way to manage your metabolism and weight. A balanced diet that promotes higher metabolism includes more whole foods and less refined or processed foods, as well as consuming more protein and dairy. Eating at regular intervals is also essential, as prolonged periods without food can send your body into fat-storage mode. Eating small portions several times a day is the easiest way to balance your diet. Alternatively, regular fasting can also help maintain your weight. If you are unsure which method of balancing your diet is best for you, please feel free to speak with one of our expert staff.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits is also crucial to getting the most out of your lipotropic injection. For instance, excessive alcohol consumption can make your liver work less efficiently, undermining the amino acids present in the injection and making it more difficult to see any benefits from treatment. Furthermore, having a regular sleep schedule where you obtain enough uninterrupted rest each night makes it easier to maintain your metabolism and lose weight. Disturbed sleep has been linked to weight gain.

Exploring Medication Alternatives

If you’re experiencing weight gain, low energy, or a slow metabolism, it’s possible that certain medications you’re taking could be the culprit. It’s worth talking to your doctor about alternative medications that may help reduce these side effects, so that you can fully benefit from your lipotropic injections.

How Does the Treatment Work?

Lipotropic injections are administered via intramuscular injection, much like any other injection. The lipotropic cocktail is injected to stimulate the body’s natural response, which can quickly result in increased energy and metabolism. The treatment involves two main steps:


Before your first treatment, we’ll conduct a consultation to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for this treatment. During this appointment, we’ll discuss any concerns you may have, particularly regarding difficulties losing weight or persistent feelings of low energy or sluggishness. We’ll also collect relevant medical information, including your current medical conditions, medications and supplements you’re taking, previous treatments you’ve had, lifestyle habits, and potential blood lab records.


Typically, injections are given in areas of the body that have more fatty tissue, such as the arms, thighs, buttocks, hips, or abdomen. The injections are administered using thin needles, and the treatment itself takes less than half an hour.

Lipotropic Injections: Frequency and Safety

The frequency of lipotropic injections is determined by various factors. Typically, initial treatments are scheduled within the same week. However, subsequent treatments are less frequent, usually once a week or twice a month, to maintain results.

The frequency of your injections is based on your body’s response, age, activity level, and physical health. Our experts will work with you to determine the optimal treatment frequency for your unique needs.

Results and Safety of Lipotropic Injections

After the first appointment, most patients feel an immediate boost in energy levels with initial results including increased feelings of hunger and less fatigue. Weight loss results are usually seen after 30 days of treatment, though combining injections with a balanced diet and regular exercise can lead to faster results.

Both regular B12 injections and lipotropic injections are generally safe for all patients because their ingredients come from natural sources. B12 is water-soluble, meaning it is naturally filtered out by the body, and lipotropic amino acids break down fat and are eliminated naturally. These injections are safe because the ingredients do not linger in the body, reducing the risk of unintended side effects.

Who Are Good Candidates for Lipotropic Injections?

Adults who want to increase their metabolism and burn fat more quickly are good candidates for lipotropic injections. If you’re committed to a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and diet recommendations, you’re an ideal candidate. You may be a good candidate if you’re having trouble losing weight, frequently fatigued, or feeling slow or sluggish.

Boost Your Energy and Metabolism with Lipotropic Injections Today!

Lack of energy and a slow metabolism can make weight loss challenging. Lipotropic injections can provide the necessary support on your weight loss journey. Contact the experts at Believe Aesthetics & Wellness today to schedule your consultation and learn more about this safe and effective treatment.


Glutathione: A Safe Way to Brighten Skin Tone?

Are you seeking ways to brighten your skin tone? Glutathione injections might be a quick solution to achieve a whitened complexion. Glutathione, known as the ‘mother of all antioxidants,’ is a tripeptide composed of glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. This substance is produced by the liver and is involved in several biological functions, including tissue growth and repair, the creation of essential molecules and proteins, and proper immune system function.

Glutathione injections are primarily used to reduce minor cosmetic defects, correct uneven skin tone, and brighten complexion. Additionally, they can aid with cystic acne or unexpected breakouts, reduce hyperpigmentation, sunspots, wrinkles, and even melasma by eliminating toxins and free radicals from the body. Furthermore, it possesses anti-inflammatory properties.

To be effective, Glutathione injections need to be administered regularly. Oral Glutathione supplements are not as effective since the benefits are minor. However, it is important to note that the FDA has not approved Glutathione injections for skin whitening, and the agency warns that there are no safe injectables for this purpose. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether or not to take this injection because no scientific trials have been conducted to validate its effectiveness. So, while Glutathione injections bring many benefits, they also come with some risks. Be sure to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before taking any injections.


Skin Lightening

Glutathione injections are becoming increasingly popular as a quick solution to achieve a radiant and luminous complexion. Skin issues such as dryness, acne, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles can diminish the natural glow of your skin. Glutathione is a popular choice among Asian women who have a reputation for flawless skin and often incorporate it into their beauty regimen.


Cellular Rejuvenation

Detoxification of the body by Glutathione improves skin health by removing impurities that typically leave blemishes on the skin. Glutathione promotes cellular rejuvenation, which is vital for obtaining a bright and lustrous complexion. Dead skin cells build up on rough skin, scattering light and giving it a dull, tired appearance.

Cellular rejuvenation is aided by exfoliation, also known as cell turnover, but over-exfoliating can cause harm, so it is advised to do it once or twice a week.


Radiant Skin

Glutathione speeds up cellular rejuvenation in both young and older individuals. These new cells form a smooth surface that reflects light, restoring your radiance. Cell turnover occurs approximately once every 28 days, providing you with a fresh face every month. However, as individuals age, this slows down to 45 days by the time they reach their 40s, resulting in dull skin.

Improved circulation is the second internal factor that enhances skin radiance. Increased blood flow delivers nutrients and nourishment to the skin while also eliminating impurities, resulting in a rosy glow. Trials have demonstrated that Glutathione lowers blood pressure by reducing blood lactic acid levels, enhancing circulation throughout the body, and giving you a radiant appearance. Better circulation also reduces discomfort in the knees and wrists, which are commonly affected by stress and arthritis.


Additional Benefits

Reduces the frequency of breakouts

Eases wrinkles

Fades age-related and sun-damaged spots

Clears and brightens skin

Boosts immune system function

Improves stamina

Enhances physical strength

Increases sex drive

Detoxifies for overall better health

Side Effects of Glutathione Injections

Like any other cosmetic procedure, Glutathione injections may have several side effects, depending on the dosage. Unwanted effects may range from mild to severe. To minimize or alleviate the severity of side effects, it is recommended to have these injections done by a qualified and experienced medical professional.


Glutathione injections have become a popular option for achieving radiant and glowing skin, but like any cosmetic procedure, they carry potential side effects. The severity of these side effects can range from moderate to severe, depending on the dosage used. It is recommended that you receive these injections from a qualified medical specialist to minimize the risks.

In some cases, receiving a dosage that is too high can lead to serious side effects such as renal failure or blood poisoning. Other possible side effects include nausea, skin rashes, hives, diarrhea, and toxic effects on the liver, kidneys, and nervous system. In addition, using Glutathione drips that contain vitamin C may increase the risk of developing kidney stones, while Glutathione skin lightening treatment could lead to Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.

When receiving Glutathione injections, it is important to expect some level of discomfort, as with any injection. Experts recommend starting with a dose of 300 to 600 milligrams three times a week, with treatments reducing to once a week after four weeks. Skin benefits are typically expected within six to eight weeks.

In terms of effectiveness, Glutathione injections are superior to tablets, although supplements can be taken regularly to maintain the effects of injections. After receiving an injection, it is advisable to apply a cold pack to the affected area to reduce swelling. Any minor headaches or pain can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers, but should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

In conclusion, while Glutathione injections can improve uneven skin tone, caution should be exercised. There is not enough evidence to establish a safe dose for Glutathione, and natural products are not always appropriate for everyone. Be sure to carefully read the product label and consult with a healthcare professional before use. It is also recommended to receive injections only under the supervision of a qualified medical provider.


Ketolorac: Effective and Non-Addictive Pain Relief

Toradol, also known as Ketolorac, is a pain relief medication that can be an effective component of pain therapy, particularly when administered through an injection. At Believe Aesthetics & Wellness, we provide Ketolorac injections as part of our wellness program.

Ketolorac is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is commonly used to relieve moderate to severe pain. As an NSAID, Ketolorac is not a narcotic and is not addictive, but it is more potent than typical over-the-counter pain medications.

When your body sustains an injury or infection, your red blood cells create a type of lipid called prostaglandin during the healing process. These prostaglandins form around the site of tissue damage, like a surgical wound, and trigger a rush of blood to the affected area. While this response helps your body fight off infection, it also causes inflammation, warmth, redness, swelling, and pain.

Ketolorac reduces inflammation and pain by decreasing prostaglandin production in your body. This prevents negative side effects like swelling and pain while still allowing your body to heal from your injuries.

Ketolorac is used for short-term use to counter the effects of moderate to severe pain, such as post-surgical incision pain, sports or overuse injuries, and acute pain caused by medical conditions such as kidney stones, migraines, or sickle cell disease. Some medical professionals also use Ketolorac to treat migraine pain, as it is an effective abortive therapy for migraines, meaning it can stop migraine symptoms after they’ve already started.

Ketolorac can interact negatively with various types of drugs, including muscle relaxants, blood thinners, and steroid medications. It may not be recommended if you have a history of conditions like heart disease, asthma, kidney disease, liver disease, stomach ulcers, or inflammatory bowel disease. It is important to talk about your health history and current medications with your clinical provider before treatment.

Ketalorac is available as an oral medication, but it loses effectiveness as it’s absorbed in your digestive tract first. That’s why people opt for a Ketolorac injection or IV as it allows your body to put the medication to use right away, giving you fast and powerful relief. An injection, which takes less than an hour, can bring immediate symptom relief.

While Ketolorac can help you find relief from pain and other symptoms, it is important to remember that there can be some side effects of a Ketolorac shot. In some cases, the medication can cause dizziness, headaches, upset stomach, and nausea. This medication is not designed for long-term use and can cause serious side effects if used for more than a few days. Your clinical provider should detail the potential risks and benefits of Ketolorac for your particular use.

Ketolorac is intended to manage acute, severe, and short-term pain. It is not a suitable option for chronic pain conditions. If you recently had surgery or sustained a severe injury, a Ketolorac injection can be hugely helpful in managing your pain while you recover. It can also be a useful option for dealing with migraine headaches. Almost anyone suffering from this kind of short-term pain can benefit from a Ketolorac injection.

Ketolorac is non-addictive and not an opioid, but it is recommended only for short-term use as side effects may occur with longer use, such as headache, diarrhea, constipation, mouth sores, and sweating. Patients should not take Ketolorac for more than five days.

If you are living with pain, you can find a powerful and effective treatment to ease that pain without the risks of opioids. Contact Believe Aesthetics & Wellness to schedule an appointment with one of our clinical providers to see if Ketolorac can help you.